Denver Weather Breaking Records
It's official May went down as the 7th coldest May in 147 years and the wettest May in two years. The average temperature was 51.6 degrees. The normal average May temperature is usually around 57 degrees. With this cold weather all plant life was slow to come out of winter, from trees, turf and agricultural crops like corn. Normally corn should be ankle high by now but the corn has just germinated over the last week. We are hoping for a warmer June but that may be unlikely because of a persistent El Nino this year.
In addition our new tee and approach mowers arrived yesterday and the lake aeration equipment is on the way. With the warmer weather we have had lately the turf is taking off finally and the flower pots will be planted next week.
Over the next few weeks we will be continuing our normal maintenance programs including spray weeds and our bulk organic fertilizer app will be applied. 45 yards of mulch was ordered and arrived yesterday we will start chipping away at that project around the club beds.
The entire Agronomy team is excited that summer is finally here!